Thursday, November 26, 2015

Juuzou Suzuya's Hair Clips

For Juuzou's hair clips you will need five long hair pins.

Step 1: Buying the pins. I bought these for $2.49 USD. These ones were perfect because the top part of the pin was not bumpy like the smaller kinds. The flat top was easier for painting which I will do in the next step. 

They are approximately 6.5 cm long compared to the normal ones.

Step: 2 The next thing you will do is paint them white. You can do this with acrylic paint. Or you can paint them with white nail polish which is what I did. Since Juuzou's pins are red, we want them to be noticeable. So by putting a white base the red will show up more.

When painting them, be sure there is a piece of paper in between the clip. That way clip won't close shut to itself.
Step 3: After the pins dried, paint them with red. What I did was paint them with red nail polish. Since thats what I had available.

You can choose to paint both sides or just one. Its up to you.

Afterwards, be sure its completely dry before wearing, and you should be done!

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